The recent sunny weather provided the perfect opportunity to dye and dry in the garden.
I have a basket of scraps, garments and some unfinished stitchery projects that need a make-over. My solution is to over-dye them.
Ready to Dye?
All you need is a Dylon Procion Dye, 500 grams of salt and a washing machine. The whole process is very therapeutic. Here are the textiles before they were dyed.
My aim was to unify the pattern and textures into one colour palette.

A New Philosphy
I met a mixed media artists years ago who had a wonderful philosophy. She’d had a rethink on how she viewed discarded and unwanted textiles.
In the corner of her sewing room lived a box of unloved projects, ugly fabrics and ‘mistakes’. Rather than throw them away she decided to change the way she viewed them.
Instead of being a box labelled ‘Unwanted’ she re labelled it ‘Experimental’. The fabrics came out and were over-dyed or cut up and re-pieced, some textured pieces were even painted with watered down emulsion paint! Each piece had a new lease of life.