I’m pleased to announce that Worker Bees and Sound of the Mill #1 & #2 are part of the Colour Exhibition curated by SwissFibreArt and Vielfaeltig-Produzentengalerie . The textile exhibition takes place at Galerie Kalina, Am Plat71 1, D-94209 Regen, Germany 2nd-30th July 2022.
Given that ‘Black, Grey & Yellow’ is the exhibition’s colour theme, the first thing that popped into my head was a Manchester worker bee, and because I wanted a slightly industrial and aged look to the work, I chose to stitch into eco printed cloth.
I usually stitch in red thread, so this was a challenge for me. I liked the result so much that I created two companion pieces called Sound of the Mill #1 & #2. Each piece features Lancashire dialect poetry from ‘The Cotton Mill’ poem first published in The Bolton Chronicle in 1864.
Galerie Kalina, Regen, Germany.
Following this exhibition, the artworks are travelling to a gallery in Switzerland.
Update August 2022:
The next leg of the exhibition tour, takes place at the Ortsmuseum Meilen, Zurich, Switzerland and starts on the 20th August 2022 and is on until early September.
Here’s a brief video tour of the exhibition space in the Ortmuseum.
Thank you to Claudia Jäggi, SwissFiberArt and Vielfaeltig-Produzentengalerie for curating this international juried exhibition.