Dawn Cameron Dick – Meet the Artist

Dawn Cameron-Dick

A little textile inspiration from my YouTube ‘Meet the Artist’ Collection. Today it features beautiful appliqué quilts by artist Dawn Cameron Dick.

Dawn has over 40 years experience working in the textiles industry and is best known for her signature technique ‘Invisible Machine Appliqué’. She teaches all over the world including the Festival of Quilts, Houston Quilt Festival & QuiltEuro. Dawn has written four books (details below), presented on a TV sales channel, filmed classes for Just Hands on TV and filmed her own DVDs. Catch up with Dawn at the Festival of Quilts 2021 as she explains her techniques and shares her beautiful exhibition quilts with us.

Images courtesy: https://www.dawncamerondick.com/

patchwork quilt. white square on point inside a lime green square. What square is filled with pink applique flowers and green leaves
Artwork by Dawn Cameron-Dick
reverse applique ammonite shell created in a spiral of rainbow colours
Artwork by Dawn

Dawn’s books:

It’s been brilliant to be back filming again. I’ve really missed talking with other textile artists – sharing our love of cloth.

Watch this space! – join the mailing list and be first to see some wonderful artist interviews.

Festival of Quilts 2021

Festival of quilts logo

It’s finally here! The return of Europe’s largest quilt show The Festival of Quilts 2021. I was there, press pass in hand, filming all the events and interviewing as many artists as I could fit into the four days. A brilliant show – as you can see from the amazing textile art shared in the video below.

Can you believe it’s two years since the last show!

quilts hanging on quilt stands at the Festival of Quilts 2021
Festival of Quilts 2021
Testile art image of a gorilla on a yellow background
Artwork by Susan de Vanny
machine embroidered 3D telephone
Artwork by Sue Trevor
patchwork quilt with words with hashtags stayathome, staysafe, keyworkers,
Artwork by Janet Bottomley

What a wonderful show and just what I needed to start filming again. Family commitments over the past year made it difficult to plan ‘Meet the Artist’ interviews, so you’ll be pleased to know that things have settled down and I’m back filming again.
Watch this space for some amazing ‘Meet the Artist’ interviews in the coming months. ‘Subscribe + 🔔’ in YouTube and be the first to see them.

The event was spacious and airy with sanitiser stations everywhere. We were all checked before entry. Each exhibitor and visitor needed proof of a double vaccination or a negative test before they were allowed into the building.

Thank you to all the artists, exhibitors and staff of the NEC and Upper Street Events for making this long awaited show such a safe and amazing success.

Note: The artwork on the Festival of Quilts poster is by artist Sarah Hibbert.

Learn to Bind a Quilt with Sandie Lush

A little textile inspiration from my YouTube Textile Collection. Did you know there were FIVE different ways to bind a quilt?

Sandie Lush, shares Five Ways to complete, finish off & bind a quilt – including a ‘Traditional Piped Durham’ method.

Sandie’s beautiful Welsh quilts will be on exhibition in 2020 at the Welsh Quilt Centre (May 2020) & Minerva Arts Centre. For more information contact: http://sandielush.co.uk/https://www.welshquilts.com/.

Filmed at The Festival of Quilts 2019