Unconventional & Unexpected Too Exhibition

A little textile inspiration from my YouTube ‘Meet the Artist’ Collection. Today it features the Unconventional & Unexpected Too Exhibition – stunning American Quilts from the Kiracofe Collection.

Improvisationally pieced, bursting with colour, and unruly in the best of ways, 14 quilts from the Kiracofe collection were selected to go on display at The Festival of Quilts 2022.

In this video Roderick Kiracofe shares these stunning quilts and explains the stories behind the artworks.


Unconventional & Unexpected: American Quilts Below the Radar Book
Unconventional & Unexpected: American Quilts Below the Radar Book

For over 30 years, collector and author Roderick Kiracofe has played a significant role in shaping the American quilt landscape. His second book, Unconventional & Unexpected: American Quilts Below the Radar, now in its second edition, celebrates dozens of utterly unique — and gloriously unexpected — quilts from his famed collection. 

Unconventional & Unexpected: American Quilts Below the Radar Book is available to purchase via this Amazon link.

Quilt from the Unconventional & Unexpected Too Exhibition
Quilt from the Unconventional & Unexpected Too Exhibition
Quilt from the Unconventional & Unexpected Too Exhibition
Quilt from the Unconventional & Unexpected Too Exhibition

The old things I found in our basement, the garage, or my grandmother’s home around the corner in a small town in Indiana, delighted me. When I was in high school I started going to auctions in the neighborhood and on farms surrounding my hometown. These objects represented the vestiges of an earlier time. They intrigued me, and I was hooked.

My curiosity about the “unexpected” quilts of the last half of the 20th century led me to eBay and other sources for seeking them out. The quilts that I am most passionate about are pieced, often crudely quilted or tied, and full of printed fabrics.  Most importantly, they are the quirky, funky, and soulful expressions from a quilt maker who broke the rules.

Roderick Kiracofe
Quilt from the Exhibition
Quilt from the Exhibition

Filmed at the Festival of Quilts 2022.

Knitting & Stitching Show 2022

It’s that time of year – The Knitting & Stitching Show 2022 ! I’ve filmed a quick preview of the event for you. Stay tuned and Subscribe to catch up with all the latest events from the Show.

I’m attending, press pass in hand, filming all the events and interviewing as many artists as I can fit into the four days. A brilliant show – as you can see from the amazing textile art shared in the video below.

Image featured: by Sue Stone, Member of the 62 Group.

Knitting & Stitching Show 2022 - Sue Stone hand embroidery
Sue Stone, part of the 62 Group Exhibition at The Knitting & Stitching Show 2022

Watch this space! – join the mailing list and be first to see some wonderful artist interviews.

African American Quilt Exhibition

A little textile inspiration from my YouTube ‘Meet the Artist’ Collection. Today it features the stunning African American Quilt Exhibition from the Robert Cargo Collection of the International Quilt Museum Nebraska.

African-American quilts are a significant segment of quilt history. In this video Carolyn Ducey, Curator of Collections, shares these stunning quilts and explains the stories behind the artworks.

African American Quilt Exhibition
African American Quilt Exhibition

African-American quilts come in every imaginable style: traditional patterns and original patterns, bold colours and subdued colours, as well as pieced quilts and story quilts. Like all American quilts, they vary from region to region, from era to era, and from person to person. 

For twenty years, Dr. Robert Cargo, of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, championed self-taught artists, especially African-American quilt makers from his home state. In 2000, the International Quilt Museum acquired a portion of his collection, which spans the twentieth century and represents locales all over Alabama, including urban areas such as Birmingham, rural areas like Greene County, and now-famous communities such as Gee’s Bend.

Filmed at the Festival of Quilts 2022.

Quilt from the Robert Cargo Collection
Quilt from the Robert Cargo Collection

Watch this space! – join the mailing list and be first to see some wonderful artist interviews.