The Festival of Quilts is the highlight of my quilting year. It’s an annual event where I feed my mind with colour & pattern and catch up with Stitchery friends from across the UK.
This year’s show felt even bigger and better than in previous years – more quilts, more amazing exhibitions and way more visitors. In fact, there were so many quilters arriving at the opening of day one that the organisers had to open up three entrances in order to get us all in!
I find my tastes in quilts changes from year to year. I wander around and only photograph work which I love or pieces that ‘speak’ to me. After a quick browse through this year’s snaps I discovered a beautiful collection of traditional quilts and contemporary needlework which I will share with you over the next few posts.
My Favourite Quilts from The Festival of Quilts
These are my favourite quilts from the show – all are double or king size bed quilts apart from one very tiny, blue miniature quilt.
Some are competition quilts and some are exhibition quilts.

Continue reading “Festival of Quilts 2018 – Part 1 – My Favourite Quilts”