The Tentmakers of Cairo

A little textile inspiration from my YouTube Textile Collection. Today it features the afternoon I spent with The Tentmakers of Cairo, learning Arabic Hand Appliqué. It was fascinating listening to their stories about lives in Egypt and the different ways they create their textiles.

I’d met up with the Tentmakers a week before the class at The Festival of Quilts 2018 where they had a vibrant stand of colourful work for sale.

Middle East Textile Art

A little textile inspiration from my YouTube Textile Collection. Today it features Middle East Textile Art from the ‘Connections’ Exhibition at The Festival of Quilts 2019.

Have you created textile art using geometric pattern? 
These beautiful quilts were created by the Middle East Quilt Artists, whose members have a worked or are living in the Middle East.

The region’s colours, Islamic patterns and iconic images are beautifully recreated in Middle East Textile Art. Techniques include surface design, patchwork, appliqué and embroidery.

Sit down with a cuppa and check out my Playlists for more Textile Inspiration:

‘Meet The Artist’

‘Learn How To’

‘Stunning Embroidery Exhibitions’

‘Fabulous Quilt Exhibitions’


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