
House of Smalls

A new exhibition at the House of Smalls called ‘We Are The Witches’ prompted me to create a new piece of work called ‘Crone’ for the Dollhouse gallery. 

“Being a witch means living in this world consciously, powerfully, and unapologetically.” ~ Gabriela Herstik.

The exhibition takes place at The House of Smalls, Cambrook Court, High Street, Chipping Campden, Glos GL55 6AT from 11th November – 16th December 2023.

About ‘Chrone’

“The witches in fairy stories are almost invariably old women, like the crone—withered and malevolent. Old women no longer have to contend with the vagaries of the desiring gaze, and without an inherent eroticism a woman is a creature even less knowable than before. Being a witch promises us a lodestone: a legacy, a lineage of women, weird and wise, who came before us. And it promises a compass with which to navigate the unknowable territory of growing older.”  Sam George-Allen.


As a woman in my 50’s I’ve never really thought of myself as old.  This year however, something happened that made me think differently.

I was sitting alone in a train station, minding my own business, and avoiding engaging in conversation with two young men. One moved in close, called me a ‘Cranky Old Woman’ and both walked away. I felt uncomfortable and I know it was meant as an insult, but it really made me think. 

As women we go through years of unwanted attention from men to suddenly becoming invisible to them – but when do we cross this invisible line in time? – and at what point in our lives are we perceived by society as old, crones or witches?

Size 11.5 x 11.5cm. Hand embroidered cotton cloth, vintage Sylko thread.

Update: ‘We are the Witches’ Exhibition

We are the Witches Dollhouse Exhibition
We are the Witches Dollhouse Exhibition

I’m enjoying making small artworks that fit in perfectly with the scale of the Dollhouse exhibition.

Millstone Grit

A new exhibition at the House of Smalls prompted me to create a new piece of work called Millstone Grit for the Dollhouse gallery.

The exhibition takes place at The House of Smalls, Cambrook Court, High Street, Chipping Campden, Glos GL55 6AT from 26th August – 16th September 2023.

With an exhibition titled ‘In Memory Of’ I designed an artwork in memory of my Dad.

Millstone Grit
Millstone Grit

About ‘Millstone Grit’ :

“Stoic, solid, immovable …. millstone grit is as perfect a symbol for the North of England – the old North – as one can imagine.” Ben Myers.

A hill farmer’s son, father to six kids and a veteran of the Korean War.  A quiet man of few words – My Dad.

Size 11.5 x 11.5 cm. Hand embroidered textile art. Vintage Sylko cotton thread, cotton cloth.

Hand embroidered
Hand embroidered

“A show for artworks made in remembrance of someone lost/left.” House of Smalls.

List of Artists taking part in the exhibition
Artists taking part in the exhibition.

I’m enjoying making small artworks that fit in perfectly with the scale of the Dollhouse exhibition.

Update – Images from the ‘In Memory Of’ dollhouse exhibition

Empty Nest

My latest piece Empty Nest is a change from my usual style. The idea started with a search through my vintage collection for suitable materials. Vintage bandages have a wonderful weave and were perfect for this project.

Gathering materials
Gathering materials

Vintage ‘white open wove’ bandage was layered, distressed and hand darned. Next came the scary bit – cutting into the stitches with some very sharp scissors.

Work in Progress
ork in Progress

The incision is repaired with a Cushing Suture stitched in vintage Sylko thread.

Empty Nest - completed
Empty Nest – completed

Size is 5 x 5 cm, hand stitched and hand darned. Features vintage ‘white open wove’ bandage, Madeira thread and vintage Sylko thread. Hand embroidered and hand darned.

The artwork: “It seems like only yesterday I held my newborn baby in my arms.” The rhythms of life and the status that motherhood brings come to a sudden end once the child leaves home and for some women ‘Empty Nest Syndrome’ occurs during menopause. Many women, including working mothers, go through emotions such as grief, anxiety and loss, feel redundant and challenge their sense of purpose and self-worth – feelings that can last up to 2 years as mothers adjust from the role of ‘mum’ and rediscover their own identity. Empty Nest Syndrome can affect both parents.


The piece has been accepted into the House of SmallsScar‘ dollhouse exhibition.

Scar exhibition poster
Scar exhibition - Artworks
Scar exhibition – Artworks
Scar exhibition - Artwork
Scar exhibition – Artwork