Kaffe Fasset & Candace Bahouth Exhibition – Video Diary

Autumn is fast approaching and that ‘preparing for winter’ feel has kicked in. I’ve been thinking of indoor textile projects to work on in the studio and I’ve been reviewing some of the footage I took over the wonderful Summer we have had. The Kaffe Fasset and Candace Bahouth exhibition has left me with such wonderful memories. Everytime I think of it, my first thoughts are of the vibrancy of colour, then I think of texture and reflecting light.

Having caught up on a little I.T. housekeeping, I rediscovered some footage that I’ve put together to share with you.

There are lots more videos to view on Youtube.  Be the first to see my latest textile journeys by Clicking the Link and following me.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this exhibition as much as I have. Please let me know your thoughts.
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Festival of Quilts 2018 – Part 3 – The Winners Quilts

Picture the scene. It’s mid afternoon on day one of The Festival of Quilts. Visitors are gathering and waiting in eager anticipation for the unveiling of the winning quilts.  A large cloth has been carefully draped over each piece hiding it from view. Eventually the cloths are removed, the cameras appear and there is a frenzy of quilters and photography.

Winner Quilts

Once the hustle and bustle of the day had died down, I popped back to see these beautiful quilts and started taking some photos.

I found the standard of work was very high this year; I particularly loved the pieces featuring hand quilting and applique.

Festival of Quilts 2018 - Winners Quilt - The Quilter's Guild Challenge - Mary Mayne
Winners Quilt – The Quilter’s Guild Challenge – Mary Mayne

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Mister Finch & ‘The Wish Post’ Exhibition

I’ve just returned home from a relaxing two week stay in Lancashire. Family, lots of tea and plenty of vintage shopping! As you may know,  I’m always on the hunt for some indulgent textile inspiration, so on my way back south I swung by the Yorkshire Sculpture Park to see a collection of work by the fabulous Mister Finch.

In this beautiful exhibition, spread over two floors,  I discovered the woodland characters featured in his new ‘The Wish Post‘ book.

It wasn’t long before I was drawn into the fairy-tale world of Mister Finch.

Mister Finch - Downstairs I was greeted by a jolly long-tailed rat and his two tiny companions. Each covered from head to toe in vintage textiles, embroidery and beads.

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