Fragments is my latest piece of needlework, stitched and assembled during the last two years of Lockdown.
Lockdown was a challenge for me in many ways. Time stood still, my creativity was stagnated and I felt I needed a project to escape the world outside. The solution was to create components for an artwork that I knew would eventually evolve and take shape.

Non-essential shops were closed so the cloth was sourced from within my own home: old garments, bed and household linens.
Each piece was cut up and dyed during the summer months with plants from my Lockdown garden.
These hexagons formed part of a portable project that kept me focused and occupied.
Hand stitched over quarter inch hexagons with red thread. Started during the first UK Lockdown in March 2020.
Size 20 x 20cm. Red cotton thread, cotton cloth.

This piece forms part of a body of work created during Lockdown in the UK.