Contact Magazine – I’ve an article in the new edition!

Members of the Embroiderers’ Guild will have just received their January copy of Contact Magazine.

At the Knitting and Stitching Show 2019 in Alexandra Palace, I got chatting to Anthea Godfrey and Pat Tempest. They were very interested in my pieces and asked me to write an article for the Magazine. It’s just been published!

I talk about a creative journey in 2019, through my Embroiderers’ Guild Exhibition pieces – “Take Time to Smell the Roses” and “Lancashire Cheese and Onion Pie”, and also my the piece I exhibited at The Festival of Quilts – “The First Day in the Mill”.

It features a photo of “Time for Tea”

Embroiderers' Guild Contact Magazine - January 2010 edition
Embroiderers’ Guild Contact Magazine – January 2010 edition

Thank you to the Guild for sharing my work. I hope I’ve inspire others to gave a go and exhibit their embroidery.

Exhibiting Three Embroideries with the Embroiderers’ Guild

I’m exhibiting three embroideries with the Embroiderers’ Guild this year. It was a wonderful to be reunited with them at The Knitting & Stitching Show 2019 at Alexandra Palace. (The light levels were a little low, hence the varied qualities of the photos)

It’s been a while since I’ve seen them – ‘Take Time to Smell the Roses’ was posted off in February and appeared on The Guild Stand and the other two (‘Cheese and Onion Pie‘ & ‘Time for Tea‘) posted at the end of August this year, were part of the Guild’s ‘Home’ Exhibition. All the pieces can be seen as they tour with the Show across the UK.

‘Take Time to Smell the Roses’
Embroiderers’ Guild ‘Home’ Exhibition
Two of my embroideries in the Embroiderers’ Guild ‘Home’ Exhibition
‘Cheese & Onion Pie’ in the Embroiderers’ Guild ‘Home’ Exhibition
‘Time for Tea’ in the Embroiderers’ Guild ‘Home’ Exhibition

UPDATE: Thank you to my dear fellow Stitcher (and mum from school) for these photos. It warms my heart that students have been photographing my embroideries.

‘Cheese & Onion Pie’ in the Embroiderers’ Guild ‘Home’ Exhibition – student photographing my work
‘Cheese & Onion Pie’ in the Embroiderers’ Guild ‘Home’ Exhibition – student photographing my work

Lancashire Cheese and Onion Pie

After a lot of deliberating over the design, I’ve finally finished my latest piece of embroidery, called ‘My Mum’s Baking’, which you can see in the The Embroiderers’ Guild – UK ‘Home’ exhibition (along with ‘Time for Tea’ ) at the Knitting & Stitching Shows this Autumn. It’s all about my childhood in Rochdale and my favourite food. Wednesday’s tea was always Lancashire Cheese and Onion Pie. This is my Mum’s own recipe.

Hand embroidered on a vintage pillowcase that belonged to my Great grandmother – displayed on a vintage cheese grater, woven with vintage thread. ✂️

My Mum's Baking - Cheese and onion pie
My Mum’s Baking – Cheese and onion pie
My Mum's Baking - Cheese and onion pie
My Mum’s Baking – Cheese and onion pie
My Mum's Baking - Cheese and onion pie
My Mum’s Baking – Cheese and onion pie