Unconventional & Unexpected Too Exhibition

A little textile inspiration from my YouTube ‘Meet the Artist’ Collection. Today it features the Unconventional & Unexpected Too Exhibition – stunning American Quilts from the Kiracofe Collection.

Improvisationally pieced, bursting with colour, and unruly in the best of ways, 14 quilts from the Kiracofe collection were selected to go on display at The Festival of Quilts 2022.

In this video Roderick Kiracofe shares these stunning quilts and explains the stories behind the artworks.


Unconventional & Unexpected: American Quilts Below the Radar Book
Unconventional & Unexpected: American Quilts Below the Radar Book

For over 30 years, collector and author Roderick Kiracofe has played a significant role in shaping the American quilt landscape. His second book, Unconventional & Unexpected: American Quilts Below the Radar, now in its second edition, celebrates dozens of utterly unique — and gloriously unexpected — quilts from his famed collection. 

Unconventional & Unexpected: American Quilts Below the Radar Book is available to purchase via this Amazon link.

Quilt from the Unconventional & Unexpected Too Exhibition
Quilt from the Unconventional & Unexpected Too Exhibition
Quilt from the Unconventional & Unexpected Too Exhibition
Quilt from the Unconventional & Unexpected Too Exhibition

The old things I found in our basement, the garage, or my grandmother’s home around the corner in a small town in Indiana, delighted me. When I was in high school I started going to auctions in the neighborhood and on farms surrounding my hometown. These objects represented the vestiges of an earlier time. They intrigued me, and I was hooked.

My curiosity about the “unexpected” quilts of the last half of the 20th century led me to eBay and other sources for seeking them out. The quilts that I am most passionate about are pieced, often crudely quilted or tied, and full of printed fabrics.  Most importantly, they are the quirky, funky, and soulful expressions from a quilt maker who broke the rules.

Roderick Kiracofe
Quilt from the Exhibition
Quilt from the Exhibition

Filmed at the Festival of Quilts 2022.

Away from the Chaos

My latest piece – a mini artwork called Away from the Chaos – has been chosen by curator Ivonne Fernandez for the ”Miniatur-Ausstellung zum Thema Autismus – Autism” Doll House exhibition at Villa Mosaïk, Steubenstraße 79, Aschaffenburg, Germany.

The artwork

“Children on the autism spectrum often play in an inflexible, rule bound way. The features associated with autism, including cognitive rigidity, pervasive anxiety, and resistance to change.”

For people on the spectrum routine, repetition, and ritual bring order to an otherwise chaotic world.

The colour blue’s association to autism originated with the autism advocacy association known as Autism Speaks. Their “Light it Up Blue” campaign calls for people to wear blue to promote autism awareness. Blue is also the organisation’s primary colour and is associated with a calm feeling and acceptance in an otherwise loud and busy world for people on the spectrum.

Size 11.5 x 11.5cm, perle & embroidery thread, hand embroidered onto vintage cotton cloth.

Away from the Chaos hand embroidered art
Away from the Chaos
Away from the Chaos - detail
Away from the Chaos – detail

This is the third Doll House exhibition I’ve taken part in in Germany and the UK.

Artists taking part in the exhibition
Artists taking part in the exhibition

Reel Stories

My latest artworks called Reel Stories, started life as a handful of reels that I rediscovered after a day sorting through my collection of vintage cotton reels. The smallest reels are a perfect size for my hand embroidered text.

It’s funny how a relaxed day pottering around can spark an idea.

Reel Stories
Reel Stories

The cotton cloth is an old pillowcase that I eco printed with plants from my garden – to date I’ve created three artworks in this series.

The first features an extract from a Lancashire poem ‘Hand Loom v. Power Loom’, author unknown. Unwound the artwork is 2 wide x 2m long.

Come all you cotton weavers, your looms you may pull down.
You must get employment in factories, in country or in town.
For our cotton masters have a wonderful new scheme:
These calico goods now wove by hand, they’re going to weave by steam.

There’s sow-makers and dressers and some are making warps.
These poor pincop-spinners they must mind their flats and sharps.
For if an end slips under, as sometimes perchance it may,
They’ll daub you down in black and white and you’ve a shilling to pay.

The weavers’ turn will next come on, for they must not escape.
To enlarge the master’s fortune, they are fined in every shape.
For thin places or bad edges, a go or else a float,
They’ll daub you down and you must pay three pence or else a groat.

If you go into a loom shop where there’s three or four pairs of looms,
They all are standing idle, a-cluttering up the rooms.
And if you ask the reason why, t’ould mother will tell you plain:
“My daughters have forsaken them and gone to weave by steam.”

So come all you cotton weavers, you must rise up very soon,
For you must work in factories from morning until noon.
You mustn’t walk in your garden for two or three hours a day,
For you must stand at their command and keep your shuttles in play.

‘Hand Loom v. Power Loom’, author unknown.
First in the series of Reel Stories
First in the series of Reel Stories

The second artwork is a list of all the cotton mill workers jobs which includes titles like quilter, beamer and tenter. Unwound the artwork is 2cm wide x. 2.7m long

Second in the series
Second in the series

The third artwork documents the cotton industry mills and works that processed the cotton. Unwound the size is 2cm wide x 70cm long.

Third in the series
Third in the series

These pieces are part of a body of work about the Lancashire cotton industry.


I’m pleased to announce that Reel Stories 1 & 3 have been accepted for the 3rd International Micro Textile and FIbre Art Exhibition “Scythia” at 17.00, str. Mariyky Pidhiryanky 23, Ivano-Frankivs’k, Ukraine. 6th – 20th June 2023 (the exhibition catalogue is available to view here – my artwork appears on page 34)

The new edition of the international textile and fibre art exhibitions Mini and Micro Scythia, now in their 11th and 3rd year respectively, will open on 6 June. These two important events, which take place every two years, are part of the larger project that includes the well-known International Biennial of Contemporary Textile and Fibre Art Scythia and the Fibremen exhibition.

In the Mini Textile category, works by 131 artists from 33 countries will be exhibited, while 50 artists will be selected for the Micro Textile and Fibre art exhibition, representing 23 countries.

Scythia 2023

For more information please visit Scythia or discover more in an article in ArteMorbida magazine.

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