The Postman has delivered a parcel

I love it when the postman arrives. I’m so excited!
A wonderful collection of books from Merchant & Mills and The Maker’s Atelier.


As you know, I’m an embroiderer, quilter and felter, and very new to dressmaking.
I’m so lucky to have a very, dear friend who’s a tailoress. She’s wonderful at giving me the confidence to expand my dressmaking horizons. So watch this space for some future creations.

Textile Treasures at Denman College

If you expect the Womens’s Institute’s Denman College, to be all about Ham, Jam and cake, then think again. Prepare yourself to be bowled over  – it’s Needlework heaven.

I was there for a day’s visit with my fellow Paper Dollies on a guided tour of the house and grounds. It’s a beautiful venue.  It wasn’t until we were shown the studio space, that my heart really skipped a beat. Exquisite hand embroidery, Dorset Buttons collections and vintage needlework lined the walls. I was in absolute heaven.
Which one is your favourite?
The perfect day was rounded off with a visit to the College Fabric Shop…
… where I found these fabulous, vintage treasures.  Happy Days x