Making Paper – Elephant Dung, Shredded Bank Notes & Wimbledon

What do Elephant Dung, Shredded bank notes and Wimbledon all have in common?  Frogmore Mill  has been making paper for centuries and it’s most recent products, which are all manufactured on site, now include some of these ‘extra materials’.

If you know me, you’ll understand by now that I’ve confessed to one addiction – I adore anything textiles.

It’s confession time. I love paper too, in particular little note books, and own way more than I should do.

Mill Shopping

The Mill is just down the road from me, hence from time to time I find my self drifting in for new supplies to use in my new Embroidery Course.

making paper with elephant dung

The paper is available in various weights. Some paper I use for mounting design work, although I rather like the thicker papers for sewing into. 

Continue reading “Making Paper – Elephant Dung, Shredded Bank Notes & Wimbledon”

A Wander Along The Silk Route

Over the past few months I’ve taken part in a Hand Embroidery course.  One of it’s aims is to encourage stitchers to expand their textile horizons for inspiration.   I love any excuse for a day out especially when it  revolves around textiles. So I formulated a plan for an indulgent day along the Silk Route.

Essex and Suffolk have a long standing history in the Silk industry.  Consequently my route took in two Silk Mill Shops in Sudbury in addition to the silk textile archive in Braintree.

Warner Textile Archive

First in the itinerary was a visit to the Warner Textile Archive in Braintree, Essex.

It was a real eye opener, containing beautiful colourful samples dating back hundreds of years.

Warner Textile Archive Continue reading “A Wander Along The Silk Route”

Open Garden Squares Weekend in London 2014

Yesterday was a brilliant day out, walking around some private gardens taking part the Open Garden Squares Weekend in London.
My husband and I packed a picnic, drove for half an hour and started our day in the glorious surroundings of  Hampstead and Hampstead Heath, London NW3.

We had planned our route and started at Gainsborough Gardens. A privately owned walled square, accessible through a high wooden gate.

Open garden squares weekend - Hampstead garden

Continue reading “Open Garden Squares Weekend in London 2014”

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