Alexandra Palace is a stunning piece of architecture, and known as a venue hosting shows and events, most notably the Knitting and Stitching Show in October. This building has lots of secrets.
Alexandra Palace’s Secret Theatre
Little did I know about the treasure hidden behind its many doors.

The space is an original Victorian Theatre. The floor, originally where the audience would have sat, slopes downwardds towards the stage. It’s a bit disconcerting when you walk on it.
Ever part of the space is decorated with plaster work and the now peeling, painted walls are covered in Trompe L’oeil panels.
Broken ceiling plaster littered the floor, and I was told renovation work was in order before performances could take place

The original AP logo from the theatre can still be seen in it’s beautiful Art Nouveau style font. I like to think it was originally painted in gold paint.

The stage has is framed by detailed painted plaster work. I can only imagine the artists that have trodden on these Victorian boards.

It was a joy to see the beauty of a Victorian Theatre hidden away from the public for decades. I found the colours of peeling paintwork heavenly.
Since writing this post, the Victorian Theatre has been open to the public for performances.